I have been working with essential oils since I can remember. My step dad is a huge Young Living guy. I have always just loved them and been so intrigued. With the direct sales companies getting hot in the last 3-5 years, so has the hype on essential oils. I have had people tell me that it's odd I sell productive planners and essential oils. WHY though? They go hand in hand, you cannot be your best self if you are not well.
TEA TREE ESSENTIAL OIL (melaleuca alternifolia) NEAT oil. Which means: it's not a sensitive or a hot oil, you could use directly on your skin without dilution. (The tea tree I sell is 100% pure tea tree essential oil, I mix 10% with fractionated coconut oil, which is just a carrier oil for topical application)
Tea tree (also known as melaleuca) is well-known for its powerful antiseptic properties and ability to treat wounds. Tea tree oil, is easily evaporated at normal temperatures, is derived mainly from the Australian native plant Melaleuca alternifolia has been used in Australia for over 100 years. It has been documented in medical studies to kill many strains of bacteria, viruses and fungi.
Can be a topical remedy for:
-fungal infections on nails
-lice and scabies
-athletes foot
-ring worm
-skin tags and warts
-rashes to relieve itchiness
-antiseptic for cuts, wounds, boils, bites
-earraches, roll around OUTSIDE of ear
-hand sanitizer
Always consult a doc before using any essential oils.
Never ingest tea tree oil or use on infants under 6 mo.
Important Stuff Stays LLC Oils are purchased from FDA inspected facilities and blended with fractionated coconut oil in rollerball packaging at our location. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on this website.